Children are the real asset of any nation. The need of the hour is to bring smiles on their innocent faces and make them responsible citizens of the future.
If children get a conducive environment to prosper and progress, the nation can reach the pinnacle of glory. Therefore, the teacher community has more responsibility to make them realize their dreams. Although we agree with the view that home is the first school, that is, children learn the first lessons of life from the mother’s footsteps, but school should be the second home, where the all-round development of the child is taken care of. In the present scenario when the society is struggling with corruption, narrow mindedness, female feticide and other such evils. It becomes even more important that teachers come forward despite these obstacles and take this young generation in the right direction. This difficult task can be made simple, the nation also wants this. Let us all together live up to the expectations of the society and make this generation educated and responsible citizens.
with the best wishes!